Registration for amateur tournaments Tata Steel Chess Tournament 2023 open on October 31

After the last two editions of the Tata Steel Chess Tournament prevented the popular amateur tournament from taking place due to measures concerning Covid-19, the tournament organisation is working hard to organise it once again this year. Therefore, chess lovers should mark Monday, October 31th in their agendas. This is when the registration for amateurs who want to participate in the Tata Steel Chess Tournament 2023 opens. The tournament will take place in Wijk aan Zee from January 13 to 29, 2023.

Tournament director Jeroen van den Berg is looking forward to the upcoming anniversary edition. The Tata Steel Chess Tournament will exist 85 years in 2023. Van den Berg: “The past two tournaments we have only been able to focus on the main tournament, which fortunately could go ahead with the necessary restrictions. But the amateur chess players and the spectators make the tournament complete. After all, what could be nicer for an avid chess player to play your own tournament so close to the absolute worlds best? Or to be able to watch the games live as a spectator? That is exactly what makes the ‘Wimbledon of chess’ so special. It’s great that we can welcome everyone again at this anniversary edition.”

Start registration amateur tournaments

Registrations for the Weekend three-round, Weekday three-round and Nine-round events open Monday, October 31th at 10:00 CET via Entries will be processed in order of receipt.