Круговые турниры с нормой GM и IM проводятся в Белграде (Сербия) с 10 по 18 февраля и с 19 по 25 февраля 2021 года.


About the international tournaments with the norm of GM and IM.
The international tournament Radnickichess is held from 10 to 18 february and
19 to 25 february 2021. in Belgrade (Serbia), the Hotel Slavija (www.slavijahotel.com)
Tournament Organizers – Chess Club “Radnicki” -Belgrade

System of conducting

The tournaments is held on a round system in 9 rounds.
Time control — 90 minutes in 40 moves +30 minutes until the end of the game + 30 seconds for each move made, starting with the first. Tournaments are held according to the FIDE rules in force from 01/01/2018, using the Anti-cheat rules approved by FIDE, with a standard level of protection.
Health protection measures will be applied in accordance to valid instructions from Serbian government institutions.

ACCOMODATION: Hotel Slavija, ,+38111 308 48 00; www.slavijahotel.com
Rezervation department

RADNICKICHESS — 2021. GM Round Robin Belgrade (10 — 18 Februar)

RADNICKICHESS- 2021 GM Round Robin Belgrada (19.-25. February)

E mail: office@slavijahotel.rs

Chess club” Radnicki”-Belgrade

GMI Mikhail Ivanov,