FIDE Women’s World Championship Match 2023

FIDE Women’s World Championship Match 2023

Shanghai – Chongqing, 3 – 25 July

1. Scope

1. 1. The FIDE Women’s World Championship Match shall be organised from 3 to 25 July 2023.
1. 2. The governing Body is the International Chess Federation (FIDE).
1. 3. FIDE Global Strategy Commission (hereinafter referred to as GSC) is in charge of preparing Regulations,
communicating with the Organiser and the participants and conducting inspections.
1. 4. The body responsible for adopting and changing these Regulations is the FIDE Council, upon
recommendation by GSC.
1. 5. At any time, any circumstance or unforeseen situation not covered in these Regulations shall be referred to
the FIDE President for the final decision.

FIDE Women’s World Championship Match Ju vs Lei — GAME 2

2. Participation

2. 1. The FIDE Women’s World Championship Match is the match between the reigning Women’s World
Champion GM Ju Wenjun and her challenger – the winner of the FIDE Women’s Candidates Tournament Final
2. 2. If the Women’s World Champion or the Challenger withdraws for any reason, she shall be replaced by the
runner-up of the FIDE Women’s Candidates Tournament Final 2023.
2. 3. If any further replacement is required, the women player with the best rating in the FIDE June 2023
Standard rating list shall be invited. This player shall have at least 30 games counted in twelve FRL from July
2022 to June 2023.
In case of equal ratings, the following criteria, in order of priority, shall decide:
‐ The number of rated games in the FIDE Standard rating lists from July 2022 to June 2023: the player
who has played more games qualifies.
‐ Drawing of lots.

Full Regulations

Photo: Women’s World Champion Ju Wenjun