Asian Juniors and Girls Online Chess Championships

27 May – 4 June 2020

Asian Juniors and Girls Online Chess Championships

27 May – 4 June 2020


1. Invitation

The Asian Chess Federation has the honor to invite all Asian National Chess Federations affiliated to FIDE
to participate in the Asian Juniors and Girls Online Chess Championships 2020, 27 May to 4 June 2020.

2. Participation

2.1 Each National Federation can enter 3 boys and 3 girls into their respective Zonal Qualification tournaments.
2.2 The players (boys and girls together) should be below the age of 20 years on 1
st January 2020 and from a Federation in FIDE Zones 3.1 to 3.7.
2.3 All participants should have a valid FIDE ID.
2.4 By competing in the event, each participant agrees that his/her real (legal) name will be shown in his/her
personal card. The Asian Chess Federation has the right to publish in the starting lists the real names of the
participants and the nicknames they use in platform for participation in the championship
2.5 By registering, each player agrees to abide by the Regulations of the championship, including the anticheating rules specified herein. By registering, each national federation promises their players shall abide by
fair play rules.

3. Registration

3.1 Registration should be by the National Chess Federation. Deadline for registration is 20 May 2020.
3.2 The complete registration form must include the surname, first name, FIDE ID number, FIDE rating, sex
and title. It must also include the name, telephone and email of players and federation official in charge.
3.3 A digital scan of the passport and ID photo of each player must be sent by email to the Asian Chess

4. Schedule

Zonal Qualifications:

Zone 3.1: 9 rounds 10:00-15:00 AST Arabia Standard Time (GMT+3) Wednesday 27 May 2020
Zone 3.2: 9 rounds 10:00-15:00 BST Bangladesh Standard Time (GMT+6) Thursday 28 May 2020
Zone 3.3: 9 rounds 10:00-15:00 ICT Indochina Time (GMT+7) Friday 29 May 2020
Zone 3.4: 9 rounds 10:00-15:00 UZT Uzbekistan Time (GMT+5) Saturday 30 May 2020
Zone 3.5: 9 rounds 10:00-15:00 CST China Standard Time (GMT +8) Sunday, 31 May 2020
Zone 3.6: 9 rounds 10:00-15:00 NZST New Zealand Standard Time (GMT+12) Monday 1 June 2020
Zone 3.7: 9 rounds 10:00-15:00 IST India Standard Time (GMT+5:30) Tuesday 2 June 2020
Girls Finals: 9 rounds 10:00-15:00 GST Gulf Standard Time (GMT+4) Wednesday 3 June 2020
Juniors Finals: 9 rounds 10:00-15:00 GST Gulf Standard Time (GMT+4) Thursday 4 June 2020

5. System of Play

5.1 All registered players will be invited to the respective Clubs for their Zonal qualification tournament. Players
should join the official Zonal club and log in to the tournament 30 minutes to 1 hour before the
start of the first round.

5.2 Format

Each Zonal Qualification shall be a 9-round Swiss System tournament. The top three players (open) from
each Zone shall qualify into the junior championship finals which shall be a 9-round Swiss System

The top 3 girls shall qualify into the girls championship finals which shall be a 9-round Swiss System. Girls
qualified for the open can choose only one final tournament, either girls or boys. If a girl places overall top 3
but chooses to play in the girls final, the 4th place in the Zonal shall qualify to the junior championship and so
5.3 Time control is 10 minutes with an increment of 2 seconds per move
5.4 Points
Wins count as 1 point, draw as half point and zero for a loss. shall score each game.
Disconnection by the player shall count as a loss. As long as the player reconnects before the beginning of the
next round and does not leave the site or explicitly log out, he will be paired in the next round.

5.5 Tiebreaks

The following tie breaks shall apply.
a. Buchholz Cut 1
b. Buchholz
c. Direct encounter
e. The greater number of wins including forfeits
f. The greater number of games with Black (unplayed games shall be counted as played with White)
g. Sonnenborn-Berger
5.6 Draws by the server
The 50-move rule is automatically awarded as a draw by the server, as is a threefold repetition. Neither of
these will need to be claimed by the player.
The following positions are automatically considered a draw by the server:
a. K+N vs K+N,
b. K+N vs. K+B,
c. K+N vs. K,
d. K+N+N vs. K,
e. K+B vs. K,
f. K+B vs. K+B.
5.7 Every player should set up a smartphone or similar function device in the right (or left) corner to let the
camera show the screen and the player. Participants should be prepared to join a Zoom call for proctoring at
arbiter’s decision: this request may be made between rounds via direct chat by the Arbiter. Detailed
procedures shall be issued to all participants.
5.8 Server failure/downtime:
In the event of a server failure or malfunction during the course of the tournament, ACF and will
take appropriate action accordingly.
a. In case that any tournament, in a qualification stage, gets interrupted with 4 or fewer completed rounds,
the tournament will be rescheduled from 1st round within 24 hours. If any tournament in a qualification
stage has completed 5 or more rounds, the final standings shall remain, and the tournament will not be
b. In case that the tournament, in a final stage, gets interrupted with 6 or fewer completed rounds, the
tournament will be rescheduled from 1st round within 24 hours. If any tournament in a qualification
stage has completed 7 or more rounds, the final standing will remain, and the tournament will not be
5.9 Defaulting time
Each Swiss tournament starts at the specific time and progresses through a series of rounds. This means that
each player has to be online and registered for the tournament before the starting time. If a player is not
online when the tournament begins, he will not be able to compete. After each round, players must be ready
online when all players finish their games for the start of the next round.
6. Fair Play — Disclaimer
By signing in the tournament participants confirm to have read and accepted these regulations and specially
the following
6.1 All participants agree to abide by all rules and site policies stated at
6.2 The anti-cheating measures are based on’s resources. Throughout the Asian Online
Championship,’s dedicated team of fair play professionals, computer scientists and
statisticians will be working in coordination with their proprietary fair play detection technology to
ensure that fair results are made for each game. You can find more information on Fair Play
and Cheat Detection Policy here.
6.3 All participants shall comply and co-operate with Fair Play and Anti-cheating detection
team. Players may be removed from the Championship at any time by final decision of the Chief
Arbiter or the Asian Chess Federation based on the consultation of fair play evaluation of
6.4 All participants winning a prize will be additionally post-checked and can be disqualified after the
tournament has concluded.
6.5 Any fair play actions taken against participants are in accordance with fair play policy of
including but not limited to statistical analysis and manual review. The ACF does not claim or
acknowledge that such actions are evidence of unfair play. These actions are not considered by ACF as
a reason for any sanctions in further ACF live events. However, if any player is considered in violation
of’s fair play policies, they will be disqualified from the Online events for 2 years starting
from 1st June 2020 till 31st May 2022. All the players agree that they have no right to appeal the
aforementioned actions either through arbitration, consultation or in a court of law within any
6.6 Players may not leave their seats during the tournament without permission of the Arbiter.
6.7 Participants have no right to appeal for pairings made during the Championship.
6.8 Asian Chess Federation or have no responsibility for technical problems arising for players
during the games.
6.9 By registering in the Championship, players will not have the right to claim any financial compensation
or redress related to the Championship.
6.10 Asian Chess Federation has the right to change the schedule, update the regulations or decide for any
matter that is not mentioned in the current regulations.

7. Prizes

The champion(s) shall be declared the Asian Junior (Girls) Online Chess Champion 2020.
Gold, Silver and Bronze Certificates will be awarded to the top 3 players in each category.
Cash prizes for the Open Junior Championship are:

1st prize: $1,500
2nd prize: $1,000
3rd prize: $ 500

In addition, shall give membership certificates as prizes:
Lifetime Diamond Membership for the Champion (worth $2,000)
One Year Diamond Membership for finalists (worth $99 each)
Three Month Diamond Membership for Zonal places 4-10 (worth $42 each)
One Month Diamond Membership for other top 30 in each Zonal (worth $14 each)

Cash prizes for the Girls Championship are:

1st prize: $ 750
2nd prize: $ 500
3rd prize: $ 250

In case of ties, cash prizes shall be decided by tie break.



8. Contacts of the Organizing Committee

Asian Chess Federation:
Technical Delegate Casto Abundo:
Chief Arbiter Abdulrahim Mahdi:
Tournament Director Mehrdad Pahlevanzadeh:

Asian Juniors and Girls Online Chess Championships