Women’s Candidates 2023

The 2022 Women’s Candidates Tournament was originally supposed to be an 8-player round-robin, but FIDE split the event into two 4-player pools and made it a knockout to avoid a clash between Russian and Ukrainian players. The first event took place in Monaco and the 2nd in Khiva, Uzbekistan.

The pools featured 4-game matches to produce a winner, with the winners of each pool then playing a 6-game match, in Chongqing, China, to decide who challenges Ju Wenjun for the Women’s World Championship title.

The time control for the classical games is 90 minutes for all moves plus a 30-second increment from move 1. If a match is tied the players then play four rapid games, with a 15+10 time control. If still tied two 5+3 games are played, and then if still tied single 3+2 games are played until one player wins. The top prize in the event is €60,000 euros.

Official website: womenscandidates.fide.com