Vugar Gashimov Memorial 2022

İnternational Chess Tournament commemorating
to birthday of International Grandmaster Vugar Gashimov

“Vugar Gashimov Memorial – 2022”


1: Organization

-Vugar Gashimov Chess Foundation.
-Vugar Gashimov Chess Academy.
-The Ministry of Youth and Sports, Republic of Azerbaijan.
-Azerbaijan Chess Federation.

2: Venue and Date

Baku city, Vugar Gashimov Chess Academy (Nasib bay Yusifbayli 93)
24 july — 01 august 2022

3: Tournament System

Tournament is a Swiss system tournament and will feature 9 rounds.

4: Schedule


1.Tournament will hold on 24.07-01.08.2022 at 10:00
2.Visit the monument to Vugar Gashimov on 24.07.2022 at 10:00. -Opening
Ceremony on 24.07.2022 at 11:00.
-Start time: 12:00 every day (except for the first round).
-Time to delay to round is 15 minutes.
-The Organizational Committee’s request is that you come to the tournament in
accurate style.
— When the points are equal, the following indicators and sequences are taken as the
basis for determining the places: a) The number of victories b)Buxholts
coefficicent c)Abbreviated Buxholts coefficient
Visit the monument to Vugar Gashimov on 24.07.2022 at 10:00.
Chess players will go by bus which will stand in front of Vugar Gashimov Chess

5: Time Control

Each player has 90 minutes for the game and the addition of 30 seconds per move starting from
move one.

6: Awards:

The membership fee for the tournament is 100₼. The total
prize fund of the competition is 16.000 ₼


• 1 place-Cup,medal,certificate and valuable gift 5000 ₼
• 2 place-Medal,certificate and valuable gift 3000 ₼
• 3 place-Medal,certificate and valuable gift 2000 ₼
• 4 place- certificate and valuable gift 1000 ₼
• 5 place-certificate and valuable gift 900 ₼
• 6 place-certificate and valuable gift 800 ₼
• 7 place-certificate and valuable gift 700 ₼
• 8 place-certificate and valuable gift 500 ₼
• 9 place-certificate and valuable gift 400 ₼
• 10 place-certificate and valuable gift 300 ₼
• 11 place-certificate and valuable gift 300 ₼
• 12 place-certificate and valuable gift 300 ₼
• 13 place-certificate and valuable gift 200 ₼
• 14 place-certificate and valuable gift 200 ₼
• 15 place-certificate and valuable gift 200 ₼

To chess player who will show game in Vugar Gashimov style will be given
special prize.

• 1 place-certificate and valuable gift 200 ₼
The prize fund may be changed depending on the number of participants.
The regulation is considered as an official invitation to the tournament memorial traditionally will
hold each year.

7: Arbiters

The arbiters, including the Chief Arbiter, willl be appointed by the Organization Committee in
accordance with FIDE rules.


8: Contacts

Vugar Gashimov Chess Foundation
P hone Street Address Website
+994503531010 Nasibbey Yusifbeyli 93