2nd Sardinia World Chess Festival
April 26 – May 3, 2025
Prize fund 50.100 Euros
The Sardinia World Chess Festival is the strongest chess tournament in Italy
Open A ≥ 2000 ELO
Open B < 1999 ELO
Open C < 1699
All tournaments (A, B, and C) are composed of 9 rounds.
Registrations will be reassessed based on the April ELO rating list update
All foreign players without FIDE rating have to show proof of their national ratings. FIDE and FSI ratings changes and achievements follow current FIDE and FSI handbooks.
Open A ≥ 2000 ELO
Open B < 1999 ELO
Open C < 1699
Registrations will be reassessed based on the April ELO rating list update. The Organizing Committee reserves the right to accept up to 10 wild cards per open for those players who hold an insufficient ELO.
Requests to be registered in a tournament other than a direct assignment tournament must mandatorily be submitted by email.
The time tolerance is 60 minutes.
Prizes will only be paid through bank transfer according to local tax laws. By not participating in the prize-giving ceremony, players authorize the organizing committee NOT to pay the prize won.
System and rate
All tournaments (A, B, and C) are composed of 9 rounds.
Time control is 90′ for the first 40 moves + 30′ to finish the game + 30» starting from the first move.
The pairing system used is the Swiss.
Tiebreaks at the end of the tournament will follow this order: Buchholz Total, Buchholz Cut 1, Sonneborg — Berger, ARO (Average Rating of Opponents).
Half-point bye will be assigned according to the Italian Chess Federation Technical Regulations.
ITI Marina Beach Resort 4* Orosei
Contact us
+39 3297954623
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