Fagernes Chess International 2023

Fagernes Chess International
2 — 9 April 2023

A 9-round Swiss open for all players having the official titles GM, IM, FM, WGM, WIM or WFM from FIDE.
Also qualified are players with an official FIDE-rating of at least 2000 and female players with at least 1900.

Having had the required rating on the official FIDE-list at the time of registering for the tournament will be sufficient, even if the player’s rating drops below on the last list before the tournament.
Registration limit is 25 March 2023, but later registrations might be accepted if space etc allows.

A few players with a FIDE-rating below the official limit might be accepted for the GM-group. Players interested in this possibility must send a written application to the organizer at latest 25 March 2023.
The tournament will count towards the Norwegian Grand Prix cycle (Norges Grand Prix 2022-2023) class M and is included in FIDE Circuit 2023.

We expect 11 to 13 GMs and a median Elo above 2250, in a field with 64 to 74 players. A majority of the participants will probably have the title of GM, IM, WGM, WIM or FM. Following this title norm chances will be excellent.