Budapest Spring Festival 2019

International Chess Tournament and Festival Laszlo Szabo memorial

Budapest Spring Festival 2019

Date of tournament: 9th-17th April 2019

Aim of the tournament: According to the traditions reintroduce chess into the Spring Festival cultural event

Opening ceremony: 9th April 2019 3.45 PM at the tornament hall

Venue of the tournament: Bálna Budapest, IX. district, Fővám tér 11-12.

Access by public transport: Tram Nr. 2 to Zsil utca, bus Nr. 15 or trolley-bus Nr. 83 to Közraktár utca, or metro Nr. 4 to Fővám tér

Main Patron of the tournament: Istvan Tarlos, Lord Mayor of Budapest

Patron of the tournament: Mariusz Revesz, Government Commissioner for Active Hungary, president of BCF

Organiser of the tournament: Budapest Chess Federation, IO Zsolt Korpics

Chief arbiter: IA Miklos Orso


Budapest Spring Festival 2019