8° International Chess Festival Lignano Sabbiadoro

8° International Chess Festival Lignano Sabbiadoro

2 — 7 OCTOBER 2022

PRIZE € 5,000

All Italian players registered FSI 2022 are allowed in the tournament; it is possible to register during the game.

Foreign players need to have the FIN (FIDE Identity Number).

It is forbidden, in the playing area, to hold any electronic and/or communication device. Smoking is prohibited (even for electronic cigarettes); smokers can attend the dedicated outdoor area.
It is possible to make a request to the Referee before the start of the tournament, only once, (excluding the last 3 rounds) for the “forfait half point”. Players who are not physically present at the time of accreditation will enter in the second round. The player who shows up at the board more than 60 minutes late on the start time, will lose the game.

The tournaments are approved by FSI/FIDE. Tournament A — 9 rounds of play, tournaments B and C — 7 rounds of play. The pairing system is: Swiss FIDE variant, technical Tiebreaks in order: Buchholz integral, Buchholz cut1, A.R.O. Game cadence 90 minutes + 30 seconds of recovery per move starting from the first.

The Arbiter is designated by the FSI. The decisions of the Arbiter are final and unquestionable.
For anything not covered by this regulation, the rules of the FSI and FIDE in force on the date of the event apply.

Registration to the tournament implies the acceptance of them, and in particular: legal health prevention procedures, “anti cheating” control rules, consent to the publication of your data and images, results related to the tournament on media channels Disabled players, with special logistic needs, are invited to notify in advance of their presence.

The organization reserves 3 Wild Cards for Tournament A, to facilitate access to the upper tournament, to players close to the score threshold or for particular sporting merits, upon request by email.
The organization reserves the right to make any changes that may be necessary for the success of the event


Segreteria Organizzativa
Linda (+39 3452911405)
