3 rd International Chess Tournament for the prizes of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan

3rd International Chess Tournament for the prizes of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan

20th November – 30th November 2024

The general management and organization of the competition is carried out by the Uzbekistan Chess
Federation, supported by FIDE and in cooperation with the Agency for Youth Affairs of the Republic of
Uzbekistan. The direct management of the tournament is entrusted to the Board of Arbiters.

The Tournament takes place in the city of Tashkent from November 20th (arrival) till November 30th
(departure), 2024.

The Tournament is a 9-round Swiss in two groups:
main group A rated 2250 and above,
group B for the rated participants with rating 2249 and less.

FIDE Rating shall be considered as on 1st November 2024 (standard).
Time control is the following:
90 minutes and a 30-second increment per move starting from move one.


Contact details:

Phone: (+998-95) 511-12-00
Website: www.uzchess.uz
Telegram: https://t.me/uzchess
E-mail: uzchess@inbox.ru
