1 st Fujairah International Online Chess Championship 2020

27th — 28th June 2020

The 1st Fujairah International Online Chess Championship 2020 which will be held via internet
(www.chess.com) from 27th to 28th June 2020.

1- Participation & Registration:

1.1 Open for UAE nationals and UAE residents only.
1.2 Tournament will be Swiss System of 12 rounds.
1.3 Blitz Time Control 3 minutes + 2 seconds per move.
1.4 Participants should have a chess.com account.
1.5 All participating players accept full compliance with the regulations of chess.com anti-cheating
and fair play & arbitration, anti-Cheating & appeals Committee.
1.6 Participants must send request to join:
1.7 All participants must send to info@fujairahchessclub.com the following information:
(( Emirates ID, Chess.com Username, Fide ID )).
1.8 Players must be online one hour before starting the first round.
1.9 The list of approved players will be published on www.chess-results.com.

2.1 Prizes will not be shared and will be awarded based on chess.com Tie-Break.
2.2 Winners will be checked before announcing the final standing.
2.3 The U20 tournament only one prize can be won by participant.
2.4 The prizes will be transferred via bank accounts, after communication with club by sending
personal bank account to club official email address.

Registration: https://www.chess.com/club/fujairah-chess-and-culture-club-1


